
Sophie Brouard

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Sophie Brouard is Director of Research at the Institut National de la Santé et Recherche Médicale (INSERM, National Institute for Health and Medical Research) in Nantes, and in charge of a research unit dedicated to transplantation and its mechanism. Previously, Dr. Brouard served as Director of the Centaure Foundation, a renowned foundation and pioneer in pancreas transplant. Centaure is also known worldwide for its research on immunological mechanisms of diabetes in experimental models, and in the conduct of clinical trials in diabetic patients. Sophie was a co-founder of Effimune and is the author of more than 130 peer-reviewed scientific publications, and currently holds 10 patents.
Sophie Brouard is a trained immunologist, Doctor in Veterinary Science and Transplant specialist. She has completed her postdoctoral degree at the Harvard Medical School in Boston.